We present the top 5 purchases of fire extinguishing systems for the oil & gas industry and the fuel and energy sector. The largest tender is held by Gazprom - the initial maximum contract price is more than 1 billion rubles. Other customers are Zarubezhneftestroymontazh and Bashkir generating company.
- Construction and installation works at following facilities: "reconstruction of the block of auxiliary production facilities of the Yamburg gas field", "reconstruction of technological building of regeneration of DEG and methanol of the Yamburg gas field", "reconstruction of a technological building of gas and condensate treatment of the Yamburg gas field", "Reconstruction of the control valve point. The Yamburg gas field", "Reconstruction of the automatic fire extinguishing system of the Yamburg gas field", being the part of the "Reconstruction and technical re-equipment of the Yamburg gas field facilities. The second stage of reconstruction" for the needs of Gazprom - 1 584 232 271.33 rubles. The customer is Gazprom.
- Electronic competition with the participation of only small and medium-sized businesses for the contract of execution of works at the facility "Modernization of the Central collection point. Fire extinguishing system"– 308 753 220.00 rubles. The customer is Zarubezhneftestroymontazh.
- Execution of works on technical re-equipment of the automatic installation of foam fire extinguishing - 109 422 678.37 rubles. The customer is the Bashkir generation company.
- Execution of works on technical re-equipment of fire suppression systems of the cable structure and the main oil tanks of turbo generators – 76 569 124.36 rubles. The customer is the Bashkir generation company.
- Execution of works on technical re-equipment of fire extinguishing systems of cable structures with the installation of the water sprinkler system - 63 125 484.74 rubles. The customer is the Bashkir generation company.
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