An online conference on protecting critical infrastructure in government and business structures will be held with the support of Information Security magazine on October 29, 2020 within the preparation to the International Forum of Security & Safety Technologies 2021.
Implementation of the Federal Law-187 and best practices to ensure the security of significant facilities of critical information infrastructure. Customers and manufacturers will discuss the implementation of the Federal Law on the safety of CII, customer cases and prospects for import substitution in this area. The event is aimed at information security directors and information security specialists.
Partners of the conference:
The event is for representatives of companies from various industries that are under the law No187 on the security of critical infrastructure of the Russian Federation: heads and specialists of information security and cybersecurity departments from large enterprises of key sectors of the economy: industry, oil and gas, fuel and energy, transport, banks, state bodies.
The conference program includes:
Real protection of CII facilities in real conditions of the second half of 2020. The Check Point’s view
Vasily Shirokov, Deputy CEO, Check Point Software Technologies
Import substitution practices in ensuring network security of critical facilities
Alexey Dolgikh, lead manager for corporate clients at UserGate
Implementation of legal requirements in the field of critical information infrastructure security: practical cases and integrated solutions
Mikhail Shipitsin, head of the department of project management, KSB-SOFT
Approaches and issues of formation of CII security forces at the enterprise
Mikhail Bogatyrev, department of the information security of automated process control systems, SIBINTEK
Protection of the critical infrastructure
Vyacheslav Medvedev, leading analyst of the development department, Doctor Web
Astra Linux. CII protection. Practical cases
Anastasia Spirkova, head of the Astra Linux educational center
Control of employees in the company's information environment
Dmitry Kandybovich, CEO of StaffCop (Atom Security LLC)
Secure access via wireless networks to the measuring equipment of automated process control systems of power facilities
Yaroslav Mironenko, Deputy CEO, RES Group
Main areas of work to improve the cyber security of software-controlled systems, Russian Railways JSC
Roman Bakurin, chief specialist of the cybersecurity center, NIIAS JSC
The event will be held on the ITSEC ADAPT online platform.