Changes are taking place all over the world in the usual processes due to the pandemic. Managers responsible for the security face new challenges. In this situation, it is more important than ever to support communication, exchange opinions, experience and expertise.
That’s why events of the International Forum of Security & Safety Technologies 2021 will be held online during the month.
On April 7, at 15.45, the first event of the annual program will take place — an online meeting on the topic «Organization of a secure remote workplace: information security». Get the terms of participation:
The purpose of the meeting: to discuss the first results of remote workplace security, challenges and achievements, share experiences and life hacks
Audience: IT customers from different industries and IT manufacturers.
The program:
- Practical cases and experience in organizing the access of employees to their workplaces remotely. It is proposed to pay special attention to the urgency of this task and the requirements of information security.
- Technological life hacks and recommendations from the developers of information security tools - experts on information protection and communication.
- Questions and discussions.
Among participants:
- head of the security, Department of information systems, EVRAZ
- adviser, the information security department, RUSAL
- IT director, the Big Pension Fund
- head of information security department, the Poltava mining and processing plant
- head of information security department, the All-Russian banking center
- head of IS department, Stroyinvest
The XXVI International Forum of Security & Safety Technologies is a continuous program of communication between customers, regulators and suppliers throughout the year: weekly meetings of developers with major customers, round tables and expert group meetings, and in February 2021 — the all-Russian review of solutions and technologies and 15 industry conferences. Book participation >>