We present the top 5 purchases of the first half of April in the field of video surveillance. The most expensive tender was announced by the St. Petersburg metro for more than 324 million rubles. It’s about equipping several metro stations with intelligent video surveillance systems.
- The equipping of the metro stations "Vasileostrovskaya", "Zvezdnaya", "Electrosila", "Moskovskiye Vorota", "Proletarskaya" with intelligent video surveillance systems to ensure transport security – 324 190 197.80 rubles. The customer - the St. Petersburg metro.
- Providing telecommunications services for transmitting video images from video surveillance equipment to the data processing center of the government of the Tyumen region for state and municipal needs of the Tyumen region – 157 632 000.00 rubles. The customer is the Department of public procurement of the Tyumen region.
- The organization of video surveillance procedures for the Unified State Exam in 2020 in Voronezh and the Voronezh region – 43 092 937.80 rubles. The customer is the Department for regulating the contract system in the field of procurement of the Voronezh region.
- The organization of video surveillance systems during the state final certification of educational programs of secondary education in the Volgograd region – 31 903 983.83 rubles. The customer is the Volgograd State Academy of postgraduate education.
- The performance of works for the needs of Interregional distribution network companies of Center and Volga region - a branch of Kirovenergo – 21 710 585.00 rubles. The customer is Interregional distribution network companies of Center and Volga region.
TB Forum 2021 is a continuous program of communication between customers, regulators and suppliers: weekly meetings of developers with large customers, round tables and working groups, and on February 9-11 - the All-Russian technology review and industry conferences and round tables.