The business program of the International Forum of Security & Safety Technologies has started today. This year, the Forum will be held in a powerful hybrid format: 3 days of live communication from February 9 to February 11, as well as a large-scale program of online conferences from January 26 to March 5. Registration →
The cross-cutting topic of the Forum is "Digital Transformation". Issues of information technology implementation and digitalization will be discussed in the framework of industry conferences at the Forum itself as well as during online conferences of Security Month.
The hybrid format takes into account the current pandemic situation and provides a wide and high-quality involvement of participants, allows to reach a new level in terms of the quality of participants, ease of interaction and geographical coverage. Thematic blocks and speakers →
Smart city. Digital Region
The conference is dedicated to digital transformation and process automation to improve the efficiency of urban infrastructure.
Information protection of the automated control systems. The security of critical information infrastructure
The implementation of the legislation in the field of CII safety and the protection of APCS and systems integration of cybersecurity in the digital transformation of the enterprise.
Fire safety in places of mass gathering
Issues of technical regulation, features of fire protection of buildings and structures, plsces with a mass presence of people, objects of critical infrastructure, the practice of passing state and non-state expertise.
Terrorism and transport security
The main discussion direction of the 20th anniversary conference in 2021 will be the optimization of legal regulation, the practice of implementing legislation in the regions of Russia and the introduction of digital technologies in the transport sector.
SecuRetail: information technology in retail
Digital technologies for retail and FMCG. Risks and opportunities for IT in retail during the pandemic. The impact of COVID-19 on the retail market. IT economy. Optimization of IT infrastructure costs. Cases and effective solutions for retail. IT at a remote location: mobile workplace of a mobile employee.
Current issues of information security
Regulatory and methodological support of information security issues. Security requirements of information to be provided to firewalls and operating systems. Data bank of information security threats. Targeted attacks, methods and means of protection
Comprehensive safety of industrial, oil and gas and electric power facilities
State policy and legislative regulation. Comprehensive security and anti-terrorist protection of facilities. Perimeter protection technologies for fuel and energy, oil and gas and industrial facilities. UAV: protection of the upper hemisphere. Labor protection and training of personnel for work at hazardous production facilities.
SecuFinance: information technologies in banks and financial organizations
The conference is devoted to practical cases of banks and their use of information technologies and digital solutions, technological, legal and organizational problems of using these technologies, prospects of the development of technologies in the banking sector.
Import substitution in the field of CII
The current state of import substitution and priority tasks, the creation of import substitution practices. Creation of the regulatory framework and industrial standards, harmonization of regulatory requirements. Draft Decree on import substitution in the CII of the Ministry of Finance in terms of the use of software and hardware in the field of CII. Measures to support CII facilities.
Complex solutions for data centers: IT and engineering infrastructure
Digital transformation and data centers. Evolution of digital technologies of IT infrastructure management. Smart management of engineering infrastructure. How to save on cooling? Reduce costs and increase the reliability of the backup power supply. Fire safety of data centers.
COVID-Tech: technologies to create a safe office and production
Technologies aimed to control the spread of COVID-19 and social distancing, solutions for remote work and the organization of a safe office and production.
Access control at large industrial facilities: new challenges and features of the application
Effective organization of access control systems at enterprises, approaches and measures aimed at ensuring access to the organization's infrastructure and automation of security checkpoints using contactless and biometric identification.
Complex and automated security and management systems: effects and implementation cases
The specific of creating centralized security systems, ensuring control of all systems, implementing interaction with information and analytical systems and integrating autonomous elements into a single automated system to manage the security of facilities. Effects and examples of cases and tasks of customers.
Smart transport for smart city
Requirements for the development of transport systems in a smart city, trends in the field of transport planning and traffic flow modeling, intelligent transport services and digital transformation of the transport industry.
Digital transformation in housing and utilities sector: security & automation
Cases and tasks of automation and digitalization of the utilities sector, the implementation of IoT solutions and intelligent services, technical solutions for creating a single digital space that increase the energy efficiency of urban and residential infrastructure, optimize the work of housing and communal services, reduce the costs of homeowners on the maintenance of real estate and improve the quality of life.
Breakthrough technologies in business: Big Data, AI, robotics, biometrics, blockchain, IoT, AR / VR
Implementation of breakthrough technologies in the main business processes of retailers, financial organizations and manufacturing enterprises. Smartfonization of trade and banking services, the use of robotic assistants and artificial intelligence to optimize the production, sales channels and logistics – not big news anymore but the key to survival in the new digital world. Next in turn are blockchain, the Internet of Things, virtual and augmented reality.
Cybersecurity of financial organizations
New requirements for the information security of financial organizations and the practice of their implementation. Detection of targeted attacks. Security of virtual and cloud environments. Anti-fraud and protection of banking and payment systems. Building an effective SOC and investigating incidents. Protection of workplaces, ATMs and POS-terminals. Analysis of attack scenarios and organization of cyber training. Automation of work with threat intelligence data. Data protection in the unified biometric system and the fast payment system. Secure authentication. The practice of combating social engineering. Outsourcing of information security services. Implementation of the requirements of 187 Federal Law.
DLP as an ideal platform for HR. How to set the model behavior of employees
The conference will focus on the advantages and disadvantages of using DLP in remote work, whether it’s worth implementing DLP right now, the effects that companies expect and actually receive from DLP systems, the organizational challenges that companies face when implementing and using DLP, scenarios for integrating DLP systems into the overall information security infrastructure of the company.
Integrating blockchain technology into business processes
Blockchain is no longer a “technology of the future”, but a practical tool today. Successful applications of the technology in various industries confirm increased productivity through optimization and automation, faster interaction of large networks of contractors, real-time process monitoring, intelligent supply chain management and much more.
Perimeter protection technologies for large facilities (fuel and energy complex, oil and gas, industry)
Digitalization of industrial and physical security processes of enterprises. The specifics of the perimeter protection of fuel and energy, oil and gas, industry and transport facilities. The cases of customers. Integration of perimeter security into a comprehensive security system. Practices and rules for optimal integrated solution. Review of effective perimeter protection systems and tools to ensure the safety of industrial enterprises and fuel and energy facilities.
Intelligent video surveillance and machine vision in security systems at large facilities
The conference will discuss business prospects related to the introduction of video surveillance systems based on cloud services, AI and IoT, machine vision technologies: cases and technologies for the most promising areas of their application in industrial video analytics systems, in retail, logistics, construction projects as well as where high-precision recognition is required. Industrial cases and the economic impact of implementation.
Explosion protection: modern solutions for potentially dangerous and especially dangerous areas
There is a risk of formation of mixtures of explosive gases, vapors or dusts with air at industrial facilities associated with the extraction, processing, storage or transportation of explosive substances. Particularly dangerous zones require a special approach to the comprehensive security of facilities and infrastructure. The tasks, equipment selection criterias and features of building systems at explosive industrial facilities will be discussed.
BIM modeling in the tasks of construction and architecture
Practical experience of working with information modeling technologies in various investment and construction projects, challenges and opportunities of BIM technologies for investment and construction activities and real estate management, software products to solve a full range of tasks for managing the life cycle of capital construction projects.
New requirements and modernization of security systems in hospitals and medical institutions
Specifics of the design of OPS and fire protection systems. Contactless control system douta and determine the temperature of the body. Detection of the presence of PPE. Notification of medical staff about the condition of patients. Integration with medical systems, control over the provision of paid services. Protection of medical facilities ' infrastructure and confidential data
Fire safety of residential buildings and commercial real estate
Issues of technical regulation, features of fire protection of residential buildings and commercial real estate, the practice of passing state and non-state expertise. New changes to the codes of fire safety regulations. Modern fire alarm and fire extinguishing systems. Prevention of fires in electrical installations. Fire protection of commercial real estate during design, construction and operation.
Why you can't miss the International Forum of Security & Safety Technologies in 2021
- The largest congress of security directors at the review of solutions and technologies: its events in a hybrid format will be attended by more than 7 thousand managers and specialists - representatives of public and private corporations from all regions of Russia.
- The business program includes 24 events on all national security issues during three days of the Forum. Direct dialogue between regulators, consumers and suppliers, novelties of regulation and practices of their implementation, industry specifics: transport, urban infrastructure, industry, oil and gas, energy, banks and finance, retail.
- The intensive program of private meetings of customers, regulators and suppliers in the VIP-Lounge will continue the annual series of events: 3 days | 15 meetings with representatives of key sectors of the Russian economy.