On May 19, in preparation for the XXVI International Forum of Security & Safety Technologies, an online round table on the topic "Using UAVs for security: cross-industry cases" was held with the participation of customers and suppliers of security systems.
The experts discussed the cases with the use of drones:
- monitoring of linear facilities and infrastructure, countering acts of unlawful interference by UAVs
- monitoring of high-risk work, labor protection and industrial safety standards, monitoring of the fire situation around construction sites
- training of specialists to operate unmanned aircraft systems and vessels
- implementation of UAV technologies into the daily practice of ensuring the safety of cultural facilities
In the discussion took part:
- Pavel Kurochkin, manager of the unit of labor safety, health protection, traffic safety, JSC "NIPIGAS"
- Andrey Romanychev, head of economic security department, PJSC “TMK”
- Natalia Chalenko, head of professional development department, Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation (MSTUCA)
- Andrey Cherkashin, deputy director for regime - head of the control and regime department, PJSC “TAGMET”
- Yevgeny Lobanov, head of the bureau of the control and regime department, PJSC “TAGMET”
- Igor Solovey, manager, the State Hermitage Museum
- Maxim Zuev, security adviser of the director, the Russian Museum
- Dmitry Ivanov, head of infrastructure department, Rusagro
- Tatiana Stepanenkova, leading expert, Sibintek
- Alexander Aparin, coordinator of engineering and technical means of protection, PJSC “the Caspian Pipeline Consortium”
- Andrey Grudev, president, the AERONET Association
- Alexander Zaletsky, project manager, the AERONET Association
- Yuri Chernyshev, deputy CEO, director of certification, the AERONET Association
- Alexander Drozd, head of the department of monitoring of development programs, research center of Zhukovsky
- Viktor Chernositov, chief specialist of the department of methodological support of sea port captains' services, the Administration of Black sea ports
- Alexander Antonov, adviser of the CEO, Atoll research institute
Legal and enforcement aspects of this topic have been commented by:
- Yevgeny Tkachenko, deputy director of the digital transformation department of the Ministry of transport of Russia
- Anton Semeykin, director of the department of economic security in the fuel and energy sector of the Russian Ministry of energy
- Roman Obraztsov, head of the department of supervision in the sphere of airspace use and air navigation services, management of departmental guard of the Ministry of transport of Russia
Representatives of the ministries confirmed their interest in discussing the proposals of the expert community on amendments to the regulatory framework of the use of UAVs.
Representatives of the following companies shared their competencies with customers:
- Viktor Loskov, head of strategic marketing department - curator of the direction, Rikor Electronics
- Dmitry Vorontsov, Director of the Wifinder company
- Andrey Shvartsman, CEO of SR Systematics RUS
The XXVI International Forum of Security & Safety Technologies is a continuous program of communication between customers, regulators and suppliers throughout the year: weekly meetings of developers with major customers, round tables and expert group meetings, and on February 9 - 11, 2021 - the All-Russian review of solutions and technologies and 15 industry conferences. Book participation in the Forum >> https://eng.tbforum.ru/participate-new