On the 9th of August at the site of Federal Agency for railway transport (Roszheldor) the meeting of TB Forum participants with facilities of railway transport security will take place. The meeting will be held in the mode of consultations of participants to increase value of their offers for Russian Railways and other owners of railway infrastructure.
Within the framework of this meeting it’s planned to present solutions and equipment to ensure safety of passengers at the transport infrastructure facilities of “railway station” type.
Why is it important?
In July 2019, an order of the Russian government was adopted, according to which Roszheldor has control powers on the use of funds for transport security. It is planned to clarify the list of equipment and technologies, security plans and clarify the requirements.
Who participates?
On the part of the customers will be the heads of the Central Directorate of traffic management, the Central Directorate of infrastructure, the Department of security, the Directorate of railway stations, the Central Directorate of passenger facilities, JSC NIIAS and other interested directorates of RZD, specialized organizations and Roszheldor.
What is required from suppliers?
Offers of two types: on technology of work (requirements which can be applied by subjects) and on structure, functionality of technical means.
How to participate:
- Register a participant by choosing the format of participation in TB Forum 2020.
- Get access to tasks and working materials developed by Roszheldor.
- Prepare proposals in the form of slides. As a justification for the proposals, it is required to provide an assessment of the impact on the level of security (in free form) and an assessment of the cost. Deadline: August 5
- Get a comment and opinion of the authorized organization before August 7.
- To present their solutions to customers on August 9.
Roszheldor will bring the received proposals to the attention of subjects of transport security, project and authorized organizations, will place in the Institute of advanced training and use for the preparation and argument of proposals to the Ministry of transport to improve the requirements for transport security.
Suppliers who will take an active part in the meeting will receive proposals to participate in the planning of equipment with security systems other types of transport.
For information of participants Roszheldor prepared standard plans of all main objects of railway in an editable format, notes on terminology, reference book of normative documents, simplified "task". All materials are available after confirmation of participation in TB Forum 2020.