Heads and specialists of information security and cybersecurity departments from large enterprises of key industries covered by Federal Law #187 will meet on April 8 at the online conference "Information security in automated control systems. Safety of critical information infrastructure". Register yourself →
Conference Partners
The conference will focus on cybersecurity systems, automated control systems protection tools and secure platforms, the practice of implementation of the Federal Law #187 and best practices to ensure the security of critical information infrastructure facilities, prospects for import substitution.
In the program:
- Requirements of CII, what comes first: people or technologies?
Konstantin Samatov, member of the Association of Chief Information Security Officer - Devices of the diode class as tools of protecting the network perimeter: myths and reality
Vyacheslav Polovinko, Head of own products direction at AMT-GROUP - The practice of import substitution to ensure network security of critical facilities
Alexey Dolgikh, head of sales department at UserGate - Versiondog - automation solutions center
Alexander Kuligin, head of technical support service, SPHERE - Creation of a complex system to protect automated control systems of an industrial group of enterprises
Ivan Badeha, information security architect, Norilsk Nickel, PJSC - Protection in the framework of digitalization of industrial enterprises (ACS)
Dmitry Garashchenko, Head of the information security department, JSC "RPC "Istok" named after Shokin" - Features of writing a technical task to create a security system of a significant facility of critical information infrastructure. Significant competitive advantages of performers
Yuriy Amelekhin, head of the department of security of CII facilities of the department of economic security, FSUE " TsENKI” - Issues of implementation of the Federal Law "About the security of the CII of the Russian Federation"
Alexey Kubarev, Deputy chief of management, FSTEC
Today the International Forum of Security & Safety Technologies is a continuous annual program of meetings of customers and suppliers, 70 + industry conferences during the year, the All-Russian offline technology review. More than 15 000 specialists take part in the annual series of online and offline events of the Forum: at conferences, round tables, closed meetings and the Forum itself. Register yourself →