Changes are taking place in the usual processes all over the world due to the pandemic. Directors responsible for security of facilities face new challenges. It is more important than ever to support communication, exchange of opinions, experience, and expertise in this situation. Events of TB Forum 2021 will be held online in the next month.
April 14
Access control systems vs COVID-19
How do access control systems can help companies to fight against the pandemic? ACS with the use of disinfection, decontamination. Automation of the process of identifying people with high temperature and then not allowing them to work. Integration of access control systems with thermal imagers.
April 16
Features of data center operation in the new reality
How to cope with the significantly increased load on the network? The role of the centres of cyber security in ensuring the protection of data storage systems. The role of artificial intelligence and its trainability. The functioning of the remote workstations for public authorities.
April 21
Ensuring the security of Museum and library funds in conditions of " high alert". The experience of the State Hermitage Museum
One of Vincent van Gogh's paintings was stolen from a Museum in the Netherlands that was closed for quarantine. How to prevent such cases in Russia? The absence of visitors affects the profit and image of cultural facilities. How modern technologies can help, what mechanisms are used by various platforms.
April 23
Modern video surveillance technologies for large facilities
We will discuss practical issues of using video surveillance and related intelligent technologies in security systems at large facilities and infrastructures.
April 28
Urban security on high alert: video surveillance and video recording, biometric identification, location detection
Meeting of regional administrations: exchange of experience, first results of testing and implementation of intelligent systems of monitoring of the regime of self-isolation and movement of citizens
April 30
Biometric technologies for large facilities. Industry case studies
The participants of the meeting will discuss biometric technologies for large facilties of different industries.
The XXVI International Forum of Security & Safety Technologies is a continuous program of communication between customers, regulators and suppliers throughout the year: weekly meetings of developers with major customers, round tables and expert group meetings, and on February 9 - 11, 2021 - the all-Russian review of solutions and technologies and 15 industry conferences. Book participation >>