The next batch of multimedia guides on the expositions of Russian museums will be created for the Artefact project by order of the Ministry of culture Russia.
The Ministry announced a tender to select a contractor to create digital content using augmented reality technology. It’s ready to sign a contract with the winner for 42.8 million rubles, money will be received from the Federal budget. Applications for participation in the tender are accepted until September 18.
According to the tender, the contractor will have to choose 64 expositions or exhibition projects from the list provided by the Ministry. The list includes 85 museums from all over Russia, including, for example, the Dostoevsky museum in the Omsk region, the museum of the history of Tatarstan in Kazan, the film museum in Moscow and the Eldar Ryazanov museum in the Samara region.
The performer will have to prepare multimedia guides and upload them to the Artefact platform by December 15, 2020.
The creation of museum guides for the Artefact project is carried out within the framework of the national culture project which is included in the Federal digital culture project.