Marketing managers of security companies have already faced the fact that traditional marketing is not effective in the conditions of "remote work", but it’s quite difficult to switch to digital approaches, test and choose new channels of attraction in such a short period of time.
In a step-by-step guide from Grotek and the editorial of Security & Safety Magazine we tell you how to demonstrate your company's expertise to a wide audience of directors and specialists and generate new leads for your business by distributing non-promotional marketing documents.
Most of us stay in line during these "non-working" days to minimize business risks, find new opportunities to keep in touch with our potential customers, promote our products, and respond to changes in customer demand.
Companies are forced to choose only those digital services that provide practical benefits for business - leads, promotion of expertise, maximum distribution.
But how to adapt the usual marketing processes quickly if quality lead generation has always been made during personal communications at exhibitions, forums, conferences, seminars?
The editorial of Security & Safety Magazine offers a short list of effective and tested approaches which you can easily apply and get a guaranteed result as a support for marketing managers.
From the guide "Content Syndication. How to create an effective marketing non-advertising content and collect high-quality leads", you’ll learn:
- How does the lead generation and promotion of company’s expertise, technologies and solutions work through the content?
- What content is appropriate and for what purposes it can be used
- How to determine what access to allow to the content: limited or free
- How to choose effective info channels for content promotion
- Key principles to process incoming leads
Click the link to download the practical guide.
Use digital opportunities in a timely manner to be closer to your customers! Be healthy and take care of yourself!