Features of fire protection of residential buildings and commercial real estate, the practice of passing state and non-state expertise, new changes of fire safety rules will be discussed on March 4 at the online conference on fire safety of residential buildings and commercial real estate. Register yourself →
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The conference focuses on the evolution of fire alarm systems for the residential sector, the principles of building the system architecture, modern fire alarm and fire extinguishing systems, fire prevention in electrical installations, fire protection of commercial real estate facilities during the design, construction and operation.
In the program:
- Fire safety of residential complexes and commercial real estate facilities based on the STRELETZ-PRO wireless system
Mikhail Levchuk, Executive Director of Argus-Spectr
- Modern solutions of automatic fire alarm systems from rubetek
Timofey Kolotovkin, Director of Business Development of rubetek
- Issues of application of new standards and a complex approach in fire protection of commercial real estate facilities
Sergey Lektorovich, CEO of Innovative Fire Safety Systems company
- Gas and smoke removal. What is good…
Evgeniya Kolesnik, CEO of ASS company
- Tungus automatic fire extinguishing systems
Evgeny Orionov, Head of Marketing Department, Istochnik Plus company
- Fire protection of facilities based on the equipment of the Astra-A system, taking into account the new set of rules 484.1311500.2020
Ruslan Gabitov, engineer of active sales department and Roman Turkin, technical director, Teko-Trading House
- Fire protection of commercial real estate facilities
Pavel Lulin, CEO of SVN Eastward Property Management
- Fire alarm system in business class apartment buildings
Vadim Fedoseev, Deputy development director of Plasma-T
This year, the 26th International Forum of Security & Safety Technologies is held in a powerful hybrid format: 3 days of live communication from February 9 to 11, as well as a large-scale program of online conferences from January 26 to March 5.
Now the Forum is a continuous annual program of meetings of customers and suppliers, 70 + industry conferences for the year, the All-Russian offline technology review. More than 15 000 specialists take part in the annual series of online and offline events of the event: at conferences, round tables, closed meetings and the Forum itself.