The business program of TB Forum will be opened on February 11, 2020 by two conferences, dedicated to the safety of places with mass stay of people.
III International conference "Security of places of mass stay of people"
Curators: Federation Council Committee on defense and security, the Russian Ministry of Sports of Russia, the Ministry for Culture of Russia, the Commonwealth of Independent States Anti-Terrorism Center, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Federal Security Service of Russia, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, the Government of Moscow, the Moscow City Duma.
Conference partner: Wlibor Systems
To become a partner of the conference and demonstrate developments in the review of technologies >>
Topics to discuss:
- Improvement of legislative support of anti-terrorist protection of facilities (territories);
- Requirements for anti-terrorist protection of facilities (territories), safety data sheets of facilities: development of passports, organization of physical security and engineering and technical equipment of facilities;
- Protection, prevention and suppression of illegal encroachments and administrative offenses. Practical experience and current issues;
- Ensuring public order and public security, interaction between law enforcement agencies and civil society; effective use of world practices;
- Organization of effective interaction with enforcement bodies.
Within the conference will speak:
Andrey Kuzmichev, Deputy Director of Department of regional security and anti-corruption of Moscow, director of the Unit of the anti-terrorist commission of Moscow, Vladimir Loparev, Head of Department of regional security and anti-corruption of Moscow, Sergey Malyshev, main specialist of Department for supervision of construction of engineering infrastructure, Committee of state construction supervision of Moscow, Leonid Vishnevsky, Head of duty service, Central Universal Department Store, Alexey Konnov, chief specialist of technical means of safety, Central Universal Department Store, Alexander Presnyakov, security operation manager of Castorama, Valery Gorodilin, Deputy security director of Sokolniki Park, Anna Svodina, Head of internal audit of Auchan, Elena Novikova, Director of department of operation and safety, Russian State library, Alexey Frolov, Deputy director of department of operation and safety, Russian State library, Vladimir Sasnovich, Deputy security director, Crocus City Hall.
II All-Russian conference "Fire safety in places of mass stay of people"
Curators: EMERCOM of Russia, All-Russian Union Of Insurers, Main Department of EMERCOM of Moscow and Main Department of EMERCOM of Moscow region.
To become a partner of the conference and demonstrate developments in the review of technologies >>
Topics to discuss:
- Issues of improvement of normative-legal base of fire safety at places with mass stay of people.
- Public control and responsibility to society.
- Improvement of risk-oriented approach during the implementation of state fire supervision.
- Obligatory fire insurance of places with mass stay of people.
- Comprehensive approach to fire safety. Experience of the use of systems.
- Discussion of tasks to ensure fire safety of facilities with the participation of regulators, suppliers and customers.
Curators of topics and experts: Anderey Makeev, Head of the Department of supervision, EMERCOM of Russia, Alexandr Krasavin, Head Of Department of industrial, nuclear, radiation, fire safety and Glavgosexpertiza of Russia, Svetlene Gusar, Vice-President of the all-Russian Union of insurers, Denis Panasevich, chief specialist of the Department of supervision in the field of fire safety, Main Department of EMERCOM of Moscow, Vitaly Danchenkov, Director of fire safety department, X5 Retail Group, Mikhail Alkhimov, Head of the Department of organization of state fire supervision and preventive work, Department of supervision of EMERCOM of Moscow region.
Andrey Makeev, Department of supervision and preventive work, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia:
"Legislation in the field of fire safety requires constant improvement, primarily related to the response to the situation with fires, reducing the presence of state regulation in business, integration processes taking place in the Russian economy, technological progress, as well as the introduction of innovative technologies in the field of protection of facilities from fires."
We invite manufacturers and suppliers of equipment and technologies to participate in the technology review and business program of TB Forum 2020 to develop their business and sales >>