Directors and specialists representing the interests of regulators, manufacturers of security products and automated control system solutions as well as information security and cybersecurity departments of large enterprises of key industries under the Federal Law 187 will discuss topical issues of cybersecurity of modern industrial enterprises at the online conference "Cybersecurity of a digital enterprise" on March 16. Register yourself →
Cybersecurity has become the main direction of digital investment by oil, gas and mining companies. Managing attacks isn’t only a topic of the reputation protection, the value of shares and the activities of companies but also a part of the responsibility of industrial and mining enterprises for the security of the country. The number of threats is constantly growing and the requirements of regulators are pushing customers to fundamental changes in their approaches of ensuring information security.
The conference is devoted to the implementation of legislation in the field of security of CII and protection of automated control systems and the integration of cybersecurity systems during the digital transformation of the enterprise. Technologies and solutions: cybersecurity systems, automated control systems and secure platforms. Prospects for import substitution. Industry cases.
The conference partner
In the conference program:
- Control over information flows and employee actions
Daniil Borislavsky, Head of analytics department, StaffCop - Preventing data leaks in remote work environments
Timur Guseynov, Sales support manager, DeviceLock DLP - Analysis of the security of the NPP power unit due to the impact of computer attacks on the APCS of the NPP. Approach and main aspects
Denis Babaev, Head of the department of regulatory and technical support of cybersecurity, the All-Russian Research Institute for Nuclear Power Plants Operation - The threat model of FSTEC of Russia: first impressions
Dmitriy Pravikov, Director of the Scientific and Educational center of new information and analytical technologies of the Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas - Open knowledge base on information security from EnergyNet: preconditions for the digital future
Alexey Petukhov, Head of the working group of the Cybersecurity Central Committee, EnergyNet - Discussion with participants of the conference on prospects of import substitution in the field of information security of a digital enterprise
Industries: industrial enterprises | oil and gas | fuel and energy sector
Today the International Forum of Security & Safety Technologies is a continuous annual program of meetings of customers and suppliers, 70 + industry conferences during the year, the All-Russian offline technology review. More than 15 000 specialists take part in the annual series of online and offline events of the Forum: at conferences, round tables, closed meetings and the Forum itself. Register yourself →