Business In Hi-Tech

Call for Speakers

Are you a Professional Speaker or are you an Information Security Expert passionate about sharing your knowledge? 

If you are, consider speaking at InfoSecurity Russia 2017.  As a speaker you will be exposed to our audience of Russian Information Security Professionals.

The keynote stage agenda includes innovative and inspirational presentations bу information security thought-leaders from all over the world. The speakers from exhibiting companies, will share real life examples and case studies.


Our Audience:

70,9% of our visitors are decision makers 

51,4% of them are executives

Leading Russian and international speakers in several parallel conference streams will feature а host of talks, panels and debates, all presented bу leading end-user practitioners, thought-leaders, analysts, policymakers, law enforcement professionals and technical researchers.

For further details please contact:
Anna Zabora
Project Coordinator
Groteck Business Media